- Footlocker have received our letter and Frank from PR will be in touch with us and Katy shortly. They also represent a lot of other brands like Nike and DC which Katy will forward our letter on to.
- Katy would love for us to showcase at her Art Against Knives event at Richmix. It is an anti-knife crime showcase which will be 27 May 2012. We will be there all day and do some kind of presentation to tell others about out campaign. Brooke Kinsela and other well known people will be there, so this will a brilliant opportunity to get our campaign really noticed.
- Canoo PR loved our poster. They have agreed to send it out and help us get media space for it. This is really exciting news for us all! Katy will send our one pager along with our poster over to them. Katy will ask Canoo to send us a list of who they have approached for us.
- katy suggested that we take photos of everywhere that we have put our poster so that we have some visuals.
We discussed what we should all do to help put our campaign out there even more:
- Approach Live magazine - Katy will do this for us!
- We need to work on our written and video pieces for the 99 Percent blog.
- Khalis is going to speak to the local newspaper.
- We will tweet Brooke Kinsela about seeing her at the AAK showcase.
Updates of events coming up for us - that we will attend with our campaign:
- 27 May 2012 - Art Against Knives anti-knife crime showcase - Richmix - we will do a presentaion and promote our campaign for the whole day!
- 21 April 2012 - We Are The Future - Imperial War Museum - we have been invited to do a 5 minute presentation!
Jess will be going to a conference next week and will be promoting our campaign, which is a really great opportunity!
We spent a little bit of time checking our emails and responding to comments. We are very happy that overall everybody's feedback is very positive and they want to support our campaign.
We worked on our action plan for the next month and set ourselves goals that we will have to complete by our fortnightly sessions that we will continue to have.
We did a run through of our workshop for Katy Dawe to get her feedback:
Feedback from Katy:
- Tell them why they should help and how they can?
- It should be unscripted and natural
- You NEED factual stats
- Info graphics are a good idea for stats to make your presentation more visual and interesting
- Keep practicing in front of other people
- Personal stories are hard-hitting and very effective
- More visuals
- More personality
- Perhaps start and finish on a personal story so that it keeps the audience engaged throughout
- Add in three examples of knife-crime in the last month so that it can illustrate the different things that happen and that they are real!
Naim has agreed to be in charge of Twitter and will try and tweet a few times per week. Shabir/AJ will be in charge of Facebook and check it weekly.
The group will continue to meet weekly at Connexions so that more people will be able to come. We will all come together every two weeks at The Gateway centre to discuss progress and see where the campaign is up to.
Our next meeting will be at The Gateway Centre on 18 April 2012!