Friday, 28 October 2011

Session 2 - Campaign Planning 26/10/11

We are now in the second week of the project and everyone is very excited and passionate about what we are working on.  This session we welcomed a guest speaker, Katy Dawe. Katy founded her own charity, Art Against Knives after her friend was stabbed 2 years ago, leaving him in a wheelchair.

Katy gave an introduction about her charity and its history and held everyone's attention with her presentation and speech about campaigning and what's important.

Here are some of the things she covered, which were really helpful to our campaign.
- Knife crime doesn't have to happen!
- The papers are interested, especially when there is a personal story involved
- It's useful to ask yourself how you are engaged
- Personal stories are powerful - it's important to make your campaign more personal as it is more effective
- Know your campaign and be able to sum it up in one sentence
- Call to action - what do you want people to do?
- The parents and the young people both get punished for the crime
- QR Codes and social networks can work well
- Send it to Boris! Why not?
- Lives Not Knives - another similar campaign
- Think about how you will communicate with other young people - i.e. BB, QR Codes

If anybody needs to contact Katy we can email her on -

A special thanks to Katy for her time, knowledge and assistance with the project.

We started filling out the campaign proposal:
- The group will get a Facebook and Twitter account 
- Maybe promote using Front Out and Blackboard
- We hope that the campaign will help people think twice about holding a knife

Where will you distribute the posters?
- youth centres
- gyms
- online - Facebook?
- Tate Modern
- churches
- billboards
- poles/posts
- council housing boards
- stairwells
- tube stations
- bus stops
- Westminster

How many people will look?
- QR Codes
- Facebook poll

Measuring young people who can access it - depends on amount of posters put out
- Young people will ask companies and shops
- PDF versions sent by email, Twitter, websites, etc

Target to deliver:
- 500 poster minimum to start with

What will we need for this campaign - budget:
- paper
- print costs 
- pro photographer
- pro designer
- residential
- refreshments and travel

What training will we need:
- photography training
- editing photos
- design
- presenting
- conflict resolution training

The session ended with us recording footage of our group activity which addressed four different questions in teams.
- What steps do we need to take to create the poster?
- What do we need to do to distribute the poster?
- What do we need to do to promote the campaign?
- How do we measure the success?

Here is the video:

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