Friday 18 November 2011

Session 5 - The Power Of Social Networks In Campaigns - 16/11/11

The session kicked off with introductions and updates from last week's session and the youth feedback from The Salmon Centre. This week's session will be about social networks and their importance whilst working on campaigns.

Social network sites offer a great way of reaching your audience, measuring their response or commitment to your campaign or sharing your message.

We looked at some social media stats:
How many hours do U24s spend on the internet a week, not counting on mobiles?
- We all made guesses of 60? and 100? hours
The facts are:
- U24s spend an average of 31 hours online a week, much of this is on social networking sites.

Name as many social media websites as you can?
- Facebook
- The new Google feature
- Twitter
- High 5
- MySpace
- Tagged
- Piczo
- Profile Pics
- YouTube
- Skype
- PS3/Xbox 360
- FlickR
- Tweet Deck
- Tumblr
- Dating sites
- Bebo - died a long time ago

We talked about what they all do and agreed that they all do different things but for the same purposes. They are all about communication and sharing. We discussed how social networks have evolved from MySpace - Facebook - Twitter.

We looked at Facebook next and the stats are staggering:
- 1 billion users
- 1/2 the UK population are on Facebook
- The average person spends 14 minutes a day or 7 hours a month on Facebook
- Facebook counts for 44% of social network interaction

98% of everyone in our group has a Facebook account - it's powerful, people are on it
Do it on Facebook - things can be spread faster and easier and you can track and measure response.

Group Task 1:
In groups we looked at:
How/why do people use Facebook?
- Profile
- Games
- Promote your company
- Ruin people's lives - bullying, etc
- Sharing videos, pictures, music, etc
- Chat
- To like things
- Find family and friends
- Plan events
- Find out about events
- Follow your fav bands, celebs, etc
- Video chat
- Share links
- Organise
- Vote
- Polls

How do they talk to each other?
- Casually
- With slang
- Reminders

What else can Facebook do?
- Start a revolution
- Act as a petition
- Brands
- Builds contacts and communication

Make sure that there's enough information in your profile so people know facts and enough about your campaign and the people behind it.

We were left with a few questions to consider:
- Which ones will work for you?
- Do you want Facebook to be personal or a computer?

We looked at campaigns that had used Facebook successfully:

Ghonin organises revolution through Facebook - newspaper article

- They keep in touch
- Tell people what they're up to
- Run by young people for young people
- They want people to post things and like them

- They excite
- Gives you wings
- They are a well know brand

- They add personality
- Humour

If young people know that it's for them then they will be more engaged with it.

Things to consider for our campaign social networking:

- It's the daddy for sharing more information
- You can add lots of pictures, videos, etc
- Like similar campaigns to yours

- Do the basics
- It's shorter
- News spreads quicker on it
- People can re-tweet you (RT)
- Follow people who are relevant to your campaign
- Remember to use hash tags (key words) - #stopknifecrime
- Find people with relevant hash tags to add to your friend list - they believe in the cause

We went onto looking at Twitter. The goal of Twitter is to build friends, likes, comments, and traffic to blog.
- 19% of time spent on social networks goes on Twitter

You are more likely to get a response on Twitter as tweets tend to have a faster turn around and are updated more frequently.

Group Task 2:
In groups we came up with ideas on what our first tweet may be on twitter and it could only be 120 characters.

Group 3:
- Their hash tag would be #Lifecan

Group 2:
- Their hash tag would be #cleanthecrime
- If you don't want to see blood on the streets, join our campaign.

Group 3:
- Did you know x amount of people die of knife crime a week, heart breaking news, retweet.

We talked about YouTube and the group discussed and showed us a video that they had worked on called 'Pressure' and it looked really great.

Here it is:

YouTube stats:
- 20 million unique users per month
- Video's like 'Charlie bit my finger' get 332 million views

We looked at YouTube and how people use it:
- To say something slightly different
- Show things in a different way

Group Task 3:

Set 5 goals for the online/social network aspect of the campaign:

We discussed options for both the photography aspect and the illustration aspect of the campaign.

We had a few options and here are the ones that we chose:
- Niall O'Brien - he's well known and his work looks good.

- Moose and Yeti - black and white, dark and strong - liked the style the most
- Steve Malloy - manga/fantasy.

A Big idea that we came up with was:
- Have a real background and a sketched person (very detailed)

The group filled in evaluations and the session finished.

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