Wednesday 7 December 2011

Session 7 – PR, Networking and Marketing – 30/11/11

We started the session with a recap of last week’s session and were updated on residential plans on the 09/12/11-11/12/11 – we will cover Twitter, public information and have presentation training. 

We discussed our poster and sizing:
- A4 so that it can be down-sized for smaller printing, i.e. notice boards, etc.
      - A3 so that it can be up-sized to a billboard.
    - Take the poster into probation team  - they will help to get it out there.

Photography update:
A few members of the group went to Haygate estate to take some test shots with Niall’s assistant, Ryan. Everyone who went said that they had a really great time and that ‘they took hundreds of photos’.
              - We need to get permission to shoot at Haygate
      - This will be the final location for the backdrop
      - We will give feedback on the photos that they took next week 07/12/11

We looked at Aaron’s rough illustration plans and gave feedback:

Image 1 – Toddler (3)
      - The blocks to spell out ‘STOP’
      - Everything else looks good
      - Blocks to be in colour

Image 2 – Primary school (10)
      - Write his name on his school book
      - His name is Adam
      - Everything else looks good

Image 3 – Secondary school (12)
      - He looks like a bad boy
      - The shirt and tie need to be open and a bit more loose
      - He needs to be a bit more messy looking
      - Put his hand actually on the fag box that he is stealing from image 4 – it links the images together better!

Image 4 – Secondary school (16)
      - Remove the object that he has in his hand (left)
      - Have him smoking a fag with his spare hand

Image 5 – Unemployed (17)
      - Have him holding a bloody knife instead of the skull
      - Have the blood red

Image 6 – Prison (18)
      - Needs to look more shocked/ more emotion
      - Put him on his knees looking at image 7 – a gravestone with his name on it
      The evolution line will go up and then down again to show life and then death.    
      Image 7 - Death (18)
      - Don’t use death
      - Have a gravestone with his name written on it – Adam
      - He is kneeling looking at the gravestone – looking death in the face
      - The blocks and the blood will be in colour
      - The images looked really awesome
      Group Activities
We split up into groups and 1 group went off to do video interviews whilst the other group worked on both PEST (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological) and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats) analyses.

In groups we created a PR plan in two groups:

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